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Rushing Rivers: Intent on Preventing Corruption of Earth’s Rivers

Rushing Rivers Institute is an Environmental Non-Profit organization designed to protect the world’s rivers for both human and natural use. R.R.I. differs from other programs with its ability to fuse its expertise in both ecological and physical sciences into harmonious engineering

Rushing Rivers asserts that protecting our world’s water is an issue that everyone should be behind. Given the situation of rivers is a result of human actions, it falls on us to correct what has been done. Practices such as overfishing, dams and the overuse are of human error and require human solutions.

To combat this, R.R.I. provides many services to the community surrounding our institute as well as nationally. Our team of scientists are experienced in Instream flow studies, fish and invertebrate habitat assessment, watershed and local scale river restoration planning, ecological feasibility studies of dam removal, nature-like fishway design and assessing the implications of global warming on rivers and streams.

Rushing Rivers team members have also created the MesoHABSIM model. This evolution of the PHABSIM model makes for quick assessment of fish communities in long stretches of rivers. With this technology, models are constructed for future planning and projects.

Rushing Rivers also provides both introductor and intermediate training courses on the use and applications of MesoHABSIM. Faculty and students alike will both gain from these sessions.

Community involvement is crucial to not only the world and its water, but to Rushing Rivers’ plan of action. R.R.I. strongly advocates for education and community awareness that starts at the small scale and gradually makes its way worldwide.

This reasoning has lead Rushing Rivers to organize community events and recreational activities focused on inspiring love and appreciation for our waters. Most recently, a canoe trip along the For River was put together by R.R.I. to allow our inquirers a hands-on experience to these pristine bodies of water.

The biggest threat facing our world and especially our water is the global warming. Accordingly, Rivers Climate Action was implemented to thwart this ever-growing phenomenon. Through our comprehensive, scientific work on rivers, coupled with our community activism, we hope to promote awareness and solutions to this problem.

If you wish to further read up on the issue, or choose to help us in our goals, please visit our Rushing Rivers or River Climate Action websites to gain futher information. Please tell your friends family and associates; we are a small, concerted organization and always appreciate any word-of-mouth communication.

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