DIY Solar Power

Do it Yourself Residential Solar Energy

Homemade Solar Panels – A Great Project for Any DIY Enthusiast

As any DIY (Do it yourself) enthusiast will tell you, undertaking a DIY project of your own is a rewarding, challenging and fun pastime. Homemade solar panel projects are no exception, they do however, come with the added bonus of saving you a lot of money whilst helping the environment.

DIY projects are challenging, that is half the fun for the enthusiast, building homemade solar panels however are a fairly simple and straightforward process. Whilst they do provide some challenges, armed with a good guide the process will be painless and a lot of fun.

A good guide is crucial to getting the process right. A good guide well set you back around $40 and will come with an instruction book and possibly videos (this varies from guide to guide) along with email support that walks you through the entire process step by step.

The materials you need to gather to put together your Homemade Solar Panels can be found in hardware stores for under $200. This amount pales into insignificance when you take into account the money you stand to save by reducing your power usage by as much as %80!, not to mention the cost of having an “off the shelf” solar installation installed.

Another great aspect of any DIY project is the chance to get your family involved, in particular you kids. In our household the process of building homemade solar panels became a task for the whole family, the kids in particular loved it and now have a greater awareness about energy conservation and environmental issues.

As mentioned earlier, the savings you can reap are substantial, whilst our household can’t boast the %80 figure many guides claim, we are running on about 60% less traditional energy. These energy cuts equate to savings that run into the thousands of dollars annually.

So whether you are a DIY enthusiast or not, building your own homemade solar panels makes a lot of sense, you stand to save a lot of money as well as do your bit to help the earth.

For more information on DIY Solar Power Kits check out the following link for a review of leading how to make how to make solar panels guides [CLICK HERE].

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