- Switch your hot water system to solar, and insulate your hot water tank with an insulating jacket to trap the heat in, the jacket it pays for itself within months, after which time you will start to benefit from saving money. Check with your local government as many provide a substantial rebate on solar installation costs.
- Buy smaller energy dependent devices if possible, for example buying a smaller car, smaller fridge, smaller heaters all use much less energy.
- Consider buying a hybrid car or look for alternative fuel solutions and modifications such as water4gas or Making Biodiesel at Home.
- Insulating your roof is one best ways to save money and energy, in most cases its a pretty simple DIY (Do It Yourself Project).
- It’s estimated that around a third of heat is lost in a building via uninsulated cavity walls. If you install insulation in the cavities you can save literally hundreds of dollars a year as it reduces the need to maintain heating as once a room reaches a comfortable temperature, you can turn the heating appliances off or down for long periods of time as the insulation will maintain the temperature.
- Fit a “water saver” fitting on your shower head to reduce the amount of surplus water that is lost and shower with a bucket in the shower, thats right! leave a bucket in the shower cubicle, I don’t mean shower using the bucket lol, but use it to catch the excess water, then you can reuse it in areas such as your garden, you will be surprised how much money you can save by doing this.
- Get yourself a 4minute timer hourglass, the South Australian government recently issued these free to all households, taking a shower chews through around 15litres per minute, the average shower lasts 7 minutes per day, using the timer to knock 3 minutes of your shower time results in 45 liters being saved per person per day!
- Double glazing cuts heat loss through windows by 50% and could cut your heating bill by a few hundred dollars a year. keep the heat out in the summer and the warm in in the winter, also has the added benefit of reducing noise, particularly good if you live in a busy area.
- Fit your house out with Energy saving bulbs, Energy saving light bulbs not only help cut your energy costs but they also last up to 10 times as long as conventional bulbs.
- When buying appliances always check out the the more energy efficient products, most countries have a policy of labeling the energy efficiency rating of a product these days, in particular white goods.
So there you have it my top 10 Environmental and Money Saving Tips
What energy / money saving ideas do you use in your life… comment below and let us know!
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